“When only one writer from a culture is celebrated, they must stand for that whole culture. When we have more than one voice, we have a conversation—and that is far more exciting.”

- Rowan Hisayo Buchanan

Boundless Voices is a 501(c)3 non-profit devoted to raising up the work and stories of Asian American and Pacific Islander writers and artists.

Mission statement: Boundless Voices works to break down cultural barriers and stigma by promoting the work of AAPI(Asian American Pacific Islander) writers and artists. In a time where AAPI voices are underrepresented in the media, we hope to inspire and embolden the next generation of readers to see the world through new perspectives.

What it means: Humans have always been story-telling beings. These stories help us to find our place, while teaching us how to be good people, how to view the world, and why we see the world the way we do. Currently, it is very difficult for minorities to see themselves represented—children’s books are more likely to star animal protagonists than protagonists of color. We hope to uplift those in the AAPI community and educate those outside of it by sharing and reviewing stories from voices that have for too long gone unnoticed.

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